home event
Spring is the perfect time to look at your home with fresh eyes. It’s time to let go of the old and invite in the new! Join Kerri Miller of Feng Shui Pathways and explore refreshing Feng Shui tips, tools and techniques that will help you to clear out stale, stagnant energy (and dirt too!).
In this interactive workshop, we will:
1. Look at your belongings (sometimes called clutter!), what they symbolize and how they affect you, and discuss what to release and ways to fill your space with positive energy, good intentions and personal blessings.
2. Identify the Feng Shui bagua map of your home: Bring a copy of the floor plan of your home and learn how to use the Feng Shui Bagua Map to locate the energetic centers of your home are that relate to wealth, relationships, family, health, career and more!
Feng Shui is an empowering tool that can be a guide that helps you consciously and deliberately create and arrange a home that supports all your aspirations in life.
This workshop is space limited so everyone gets individual attention, and will be hosted at HOME, our home decor store in West Acton!
Light snacks and beverages will be served. The ladies of HOME look forward to a fun night with you all!