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RCY: FREE WORKSHOP! Ayurveda & Herbs: Grandma’s Remedies, Done Right!

  • Revolution Community Yoga 525 Masssachusetts Avenue West Acton, MA 01720 (map)

revolution community yoga workshop

Ayurveda & Herbs: Grandma’s Remedies, Done Right!
w/ Ashwini Kulkarni
Wed., June 28th @ 4:30 – 5:30pm in the Upper Studio @ RCY
Info & registration at

This presentation will give you an overview of what Ayurveda is, introduce how Ayurveda approaches herbs & spices, and discuss the essential do’s and don’ts of using Ayurvedic herbs & spices. We will also have time for questions & answers.

Later Event: July 1
RCY Surrender to Summer